Wednesday, March 2, 2011

From Tita Bhey

It is so hard to face the agony of knowing that someone you love so dearly is in a situation wherein only a miracle can save her. But, this is how we face every morning, every day we never lose hope. We know in our hearts that she is still there holding on, trying to find the easiest way out of those rubbles. Back to her family and friends who loves her, back to us.
I remember the day before she left for New Zealand, I hugged her ever so tightly as I said jokingly “Weng, love you maga miss kita!” she giggled saying “maga miss mo ko ‘Ta Bhey?” then she said that I can easily go too if I want because they were hiring teachers there. So, I said I’ll try. She was excited about leaving I never saw any trace of loneliness on her face. Here is a brave young lady looking forward to a new chapter in her life, new place, new friends new beginning. She will be starting a life dedicated for her family for “Chuchuy.” Ah, if you can hear all her plans all her dreams you will surely admire her. She was not only thinking of herself she wants to settle in New Zealand so that she can make a way for her brother and her cousins to get there. She has wonderful dreams for her and for her family and she knows that leaving will make all her dreams come true. That was the reason why I didn’t cry when she left, for I know she is a toughie and that she can do it. Until now I still believe so. Weng, go on show them what you’ve got. They can never scare you with anything. “Si Jewel pa!”
Weng, I really miss you, we all do. I miss you calling out my name as if you we’re singing every time you do so, I miss your be dimpled smile, your jokes, your laughter and even your frown when you begin to see or hear something that displeases you. Most of all I miss the times when you would scold me about eating sweets. “ayan ang taas ngayon ng sugar ko kasi ang tagal mo wala tuloy nagagalit sa kin pag panay kain ko ng matamis, uwi ka na weng ha!!!”
Throughout all of these we cling to our LORD GOD praying, begging that HE continue to give you strength. We are not giving up, we will never give up. Until the day that you come home and tell me “ Drama mo ‘Ta Bhey, tearts mo!” and I’ll be laughing out loud and will be hugging you much tighter. Love you Weng!!!

Prayer Offering for weng

I am posting some of the prayers offered for weng from facebook..
There are still a lot more to be posted soon..


"The frustrating thing for us is to watch what's going on and not be able to help"

 Arjay Alejo

 I have let go the need to know why and I will take any answer that you will give to us because I know, You know better than us. Lord can you just hug my friend right now, let her feel that she's not alone. She's s fighter but please make her stronger. she doesn't cry that much,but please make her smile.Please hold our hands together so that we won't lose hope. We believe in Your power and divine interference.
from zyra...

Genesis 12:1-9--Go forth to a land I will show you.
Genesis 28:10-16--I am with you, I will protect you wherever you go.
Tobit 5:17-22--May God in heaven protect you on the way and bring you back safe and sound.
Luke 24:13-35--Jesus approached and began to walk with them.
John 14:1-11--I am the way, the truth, and the life.

He has put his angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways.

All-powerful and ever-living God, when Abraham left his own land and departed from his own people, you kept him safe all through his journey. Protect us, who also are yo...ur servants: walk by our side to help us; be our companion and our strength on the road and our refuge in every adversity. Lead us, O Lord, so that we will reach our destination in safety and happily return to our homes.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Kelly Boyes Amogawin 
Dear Lord, I will be celebrating my birthday on March 22. My only birthday wish is for my friend Jewel Francisco to return home safe. Only that and I'll be the happiest girl in the world. I know nothing's impossible with You. Please hear my prayer. Amen.
 Piyoyoy Lagera

From Yoy

Everyday, since I heard about the terrible fate of my dear friend, Jewel Francisco, I've been glued to my computer, waiting for some good news.

I hit the refresh button of the TVNZ website after every half hour, even during the wee hours of the night, just to check if they have any breaking news with a headline that would read: SURVIVORS AT THE CTV BUILDING FOUND! And my friend's name will be highlighted in all its glory, and each and every one of her friends will jump for joy, screaming in great delight: "May Himala!!!"

We would all fulfill our promises to her, which we religiously posted on her Facebook wall since that terrible day, thank the Lord for such a miracle, and ask her to tell the tale of her survival. I'm pretty sure it would make a heck of a story. One that could even be sold to Paramount Pictures, FOX, or to National Geographic's Seconds Before Disaster, if not to any other Hollywood producer.

Days will be significantly better, hyped by Jewel's return, and all again will be well. Her arrival will commence a reunion, no doubt. Hundreds will be in attendance, and comments such as "walanya ka, nag alala kame ng bonggang bongga sayo!" will be highly popular.

The cheerful spirit that usually surrounded her mother will be present once again. Her family and friends will be very thankful. People from the media will gather to sensationalize this news, until everything finally subsides, and life will go back the way they used to be. When everything was just fine.

Everyday, just like all those who loved her, I remained glued to the computer, waiting for some good news. Everyday, I didn't receive any.

Until one day, the New Zealand police advised her mother, Jovita Francisco, to expect the utmost worst. When I heard of this news, I broke down - hard. I was clinging on to a hope as thin as a strand of hair, anticipating for that miracle. And then this kind of news comes along. Whatever hope I was holding on to, whatever light I was trying to see, I lost it all. And for the better part of the week, I was just simply trying to get through the days, hoping that the pain this loss has caused would somehow, in someway, heal.

Jewel, or Meng as I lovingly called her, is like a sister to me. We may not be related by blood, but we sure are related by our heart and soul. During the most stressful and most challenging days of my life and I had to take charge of the family, Meng helped in lightening the burden for me. She would always say, "Yoy, pag may kailangan ka, wag ka mahihiya magsabi ah?" And she would give me words of encouragement or a token of sorts just to let me know that she always had my back. Her mere presence was already a strong reminder of that, and whenever she was around either to hang out or help out around the house, things became a little bit better.

She had planned and prepared on going to New Zealand for a year or so. Every chance I got, I tried to discourage her, and convince her to head for Singapore instead, where I am now working. I sort of had this plan in my head, where members of the AA, of which Meng and I are a part of, would be reunited in Singapore. We'd all live in the same house, or at least close to each other, and continue the better days we enjoyed back at home. I'm sure that would have been fun.

But as my mother would always say, God has a better plan for us than what we have for ourselves. And I guess this is what He had for Meng. Although I could not see or understand the "better" part in this situation, there really is nothing else I can do but accept what has happened, stay strong for my friend, and never lose faith.

Hope guides me. The same hope that guides most of her friends and family through the day, especially through those long sleepless nights. The battle is not over, and the fire in our hearts for our dear Jewel has not been extinguished.

Just the other night I dreamt about her. She told me "Buhay pa ko. Nasa church lang ako." Though I could not fathom whether this was a message from her, or my subconscious refusing to believe the cold hard reality, I'm taking this as a sign. A sign not to give up. No matter how optimistic the police in New Zealand are, as long as they haven't announced her name, or have proven her demise; as long as her mother and her family are staying strong, so should we. THERE IS HOPE. No matter how small, there is still hope.

And if, God forbid, the outcome of this trial isn't a happy one, I'm sure it's not the end. And by the grace of Meng, and the power of our Almighty Father, we shall see better days ahead.

8th day

8th agonizing day of waiting…

But we are not losing hope my Lord. We may be tired physically but our faith is strong. We believed that Your undying love for us will uphold us to continue to weather this trial. We know that as You sustain our spirit, You are also doing the same for Jewel. We trust that Your loving hand is holding her, giving her strength to hold on until the day You will let her come home to us…

Today a mass was held at De La Salle Chapel in Dasmarinas, Cavite officiated by Fr. Gani for Jewel. It was attended by the nursing students and the dean of the college of Nursing.

Fr. Gani’s message was about the fifth joyful mystery which is finding of our Lord, Jesus Christ in the temple. According to the book of Luke 2:48-50

“[48]When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you."

[49] "Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"

[50] But they did not understand what he was saying to them.

We may not understand some things that God is doing in our lives. At our times of adversity we may sometimes ask “Where is God? Why did He let these things happen to us?”

At this point in time.. I must admit I am also guilty of feeling such. Jewel is a perfect daughter, a loving sister to her siblings and a best friend to everyone.

Why Jewel, Lord? Why not those other people who are a menace to society?

But who am I to fathom Your will? You are our savior. You gave your life to save us from all our sins. The sufferings you had when you were nailed on the cross is nothing to compare as to what we are feeling right now.

The only thing that I am sure of is that You are a loving God. You will not give us any burden we cannot carry because every day as we wake up and until we close our eyes at night we know that You are with us. And now in our times of trial, You are not only carrying our cross but You are also carrying us…