Wednesday, March 2, 2011

From Tita Bhey

It is so hard to face the agony of knowing that someone you love so dearly is in a situation wherein only a miracle can save her. But, this is how we face every morning, every day we never lose hope. We know in our hearts that she is still there holding on, trying to find the easiest way out of those rubbles. Back to her family and friends who loves her, back to us.
I remember the day before she left for New Zealand, I hugged her ever so tightly as I said jokingly “Weng, love you maga miss kita!” she giggled saying “maga miss mo ko ‘Ta Bhey?” then she said that I can easily go too if I want because they were hiring teachers there. So, I said I’ll try. She was excited about leaving I never saw any trace of loneliness on her face. Here is a brave young lady looking forward to a new chapter in her life, new place, new friends new beginning. She will be starting a life dedicated for her family for “Chuchuy.” Ah, if you can hear all her plans all her dreams you will surely admire her. She was not only thinking of herself she wants to settle in New Zealand so that she can make a way for her brother and her cousins to get there. She has wonderful dreams for her and for her family and she knows that leaving will make all her dreams come true. That was the reason why I didn’t cry when she left, for I know she is a toughie and that she can do it. Until now I still believe so. Weng, go on show them what you’ve got. They can never scare you with anything. “Si Jewel pa!”
Weng, I really miss you, we all do. I miss you calling out my name as if you we’re singing every time you do so, I miss your be dimpled smile, your jokes, your laughter and even your frown when you begin to see or hear something that displeases you. Most of all I miss the times when you would scold me about eating sweets. “ayan ang taas ngayon ng sugar ko kasi ang tagal mo wala tuloy nagagalit sa kin pag panay kain ko ng matamis, uwi ka na weng ha!!!”
Throughout all of these we cling to our LORD GOD praying, begging that HE continue to give you strength. We are not giving up, we will never give up. Until the day that you come home and tell me “ Drama mo ‘Ta Bhey, tearts mo!” and I’ll be laughing out loud and will be hugging you much tighter. Love you Weng!!!

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